Arielle Teft is a wedding photographer based in Grand Rapids, MI. In 2012, she officially transitioned from freelance photography to begin her wedding business without any formal background in the wedding industry. Since these early years, Arielle has grown into a style that is uniquely her own. There is a consistency in her portfolio that belies a proclivity toward naturalism and organic lines. Her storytelling approach pries open the authentic moments between a couple on their wedding day, and her directions focus clients towards genuine movements and ethereal moodiness. It’s a treat to find photography of this caliber within the community of Grand Rapids, and not surprisingly, clients have sought her out all over the country. More recently, her work has been featured in editorial publications like Harper’s Bazaar and Magnolia Rouge. Arielle Teft is a wedding photographer worth following, as her authentic passion for world-travel infuses her portfolio with an elevated vitality and freshness. It makes us all want to get married all over again.
Arielle works with her husband, Nathan who has a background in education and English literature. Together they approach each wedding with an attention to detail, soft-spoken directness, and narrative sensitivity that is both adroit and unobtrusive.
Structure meets style.
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